In the juvenile market, children's fiction has always dominated the genre. Picture books, early readers, middle readers, and young adult novels occupied most of the children's section at the bookstore for the past fifty years. A few nonfiction titles were crammed near the dictionaries and encyclopedias, and what child really wanted to go near them?
In 2012, nonfiction sales in the juvenile market rose by 5%. This is encouraging. With the digital age impacting books and the popularity of e-readers so profoundly, children are now beginning to read more nonfiction--and read more in general. Topics related to sports, geography, social studies, science, and biography are starting to sell.
Educators are enthusiastic about this trend since they believe, and rightly so, that it might better prepare students for college, giving them greater reading and writing skills in addition to a wider base of knowledge by the end of high school. Publishers are naturally excited about the trend because it means more sales. It's a win-win situation for both groups. It's an even bigger plus for literacy and learning.
~ William Hammett
Index of Articles
Believe in Your Work
Children's Nonfiction: It's Now More Popular
The Craft of Writing
Daily Transit Public Ridership
The eBook Revolution
Fifty Shades of Boring
George Clayton Johnson: Fictioneer by Vivien Kooper
Ghostwriting: The Decline of Professionalism
How Long Does It Take to Write a Novel?
Is Journal Writing Worth the Effort?
Literary Agents
Kindle Direct Publishing (Select)
The Novella is Back and Thriving
Promoting Your Book
The Quest for Literary Representation
The Rewards of Being a Writer
Short Fiction
What Is Developmental Editing
Why Do People Write?
Writing Celebrity Memoirs
Writing a Novel
Writing as a Full-time Job
Writing as a Mystical Process
You Own the Copyright to Your Literary Property
Zen in the Art of Writing
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